Making a commitment to ourselves

(Originally published 20 April 2013) 

Just a short blog copied from a Spark Mail message to a dear friend I met here on Spark. I offer it to my other friendsthose I've met & those I haven't yet, but who may find these words and be touched by them, in that magical way we motivate, guide and inspire each other in this amazing community.

Yes, trying to find that elusive balance is perhaps a never-ending process! I sincerely believe it is essential to make a commitment to oneself to spend some regular time doing what is most needed--preparing healthy meals and snacks, exercising, creating an orderly & nurturing environment, or building a strong relationship. We have to matter enough to ourselves & we have to value our well-being enough to overcome habits and negative messages and invest time and effort in ourselves and in cultivating new, life-affirming, empowering habits.

I hope you know how much I'm talking to myself here
as much as to you! It's sometimes easier to encourage or see the truth for our friends and loved ones than for ourselves. So thanks for giving me the chance to encourage both of us to do what's right for us! Sending you healing, empowering, joyful energy tonight. Take care!

Blessed Be, Amanda


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