Time enough for what matters
(Originally published 10 June 2012)
My team huddles “You have time for what matters
most.” and today's status “BLESSEDBEING just finished reading Chopra's RTB, RTS
Breakthrough #5: Time Isn't Your Enemy. Awesome! Blog to come. (Teaser: Diet &
exercise are NOT the main keys to anti-aging.)” gave a preview to this blog.
Deepak Chopra wrote Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul in 2009. I'm
still slogging through Quantum Healing at work, reading over my lunch hour; it
was written in the 80's, more dry science, less humor and poetry. In contrast,
I was reading the newer book on the elliptical machine at the club today,
alternately laughing and crying. There is such power, such beauty, such
simplicity to his message. This may be my favorite book of his so far.
I had gotten a hint when I read The Essential Ageless Body, Timeless Mind
(condensed from that popular work from 15 years ago) about the mistaken beliefs
we have about time. I've started using an affirmation "there is plenty of
time for what matters most." It helps me feel less worried and more
Chopra contends "Mastery over time is built into you." He describes
the amazing processes all utilizing vastly different timelines being directed
and coordinated by your DNA and concludes "your body is far from being
time's victim; on the contrary, it orchestrates time to your benefit. Once you
force upon the body your own fears and negative beliefs about time, however,
the trouble begins." He discusses the assumption that there isn't enough
time (citing the scary metaphor of DEADlines) & how stress breaks down the
body and its ability to renew itself. "When you focus anti-aging on the
physical leve—on exercise, diet, vitamins, anti-oxidants, weight loss,
cosmetics, and plastic surgery—you bypass the invisible level that is far more
He cites the following invisible culprits as doing the greatest damage:
unpredictability, disorder & confusion, accidents, trauma & sickness,
violence, chaos. He lists 18 habits to cultivate in the section Making Time
Your Ally, beginning with "Keep regular hours, eat and sleep on a regular
schedule" and ending with "Live as if you have all the time in the
He makes the amazing claim "Your ultimate goal, living as if you have all
the time in the world, is functional immortality. This happens to be how every
cell in your body is already living." The enemy, he says, is the
"breakdown of flow." To help reverse the process he suggests 4 simple
exercises (pp 156-161 of the large print version): quiet your internal
dialogue, discharge tension, a purifying light visualization, and toning.
Achieving true happiness, vibrant health, and well-being (which is far more
than a mere absence of disease or pain) requires that we pay attention to more
than just the amount of food we consume and the calories we expend. There are
untold dreams and miracles awaiting us. We have the time to discover them.
Blessed Be, Amanda
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