Breathing in the Day, Revisited

(Originally published 4 August 2018) 

Just over 3 years ago, I shared a blog Breathing in the Day. I still haven't gotten a promotion or found a new job despite consistent seeking and submitting applications; I'm waiting to hear whether I'll be invited to a second interview on government application #80. But I'm in a good place emotionally. I'm not seeing a therapist anymore because I'm pretty happy the majority of the time. And though I don't struggle emotionally the way I used to, and I handle stresses at work much more successfully, I still practice my morning journalingincluding Breathing in the Day.

It helps me set intentions for what I want to experience and manifest. And while in the early days I changed up what I wrote, and paired different words and varied the number of pairs, I've settled on a pattern that I really like of 18 pairs. I like them, and they are easy for me to remember, but they are no better than what someone might choose for themselves. It's all about finding the tools that work best for you, and this serves me. I offer it in hopes it might inspire a fellow member.

Breathe in Structure. Breathe in Nurture.
Breathe in Love. Breathe in Abundance.
Breathe in Strength. Breathe in Support.

Breathe in Hope. Breathe in Determination.
Breathe in Dreams. Breathe in Discipline.
Breathe in Spirit. Breathe in Connection.

Breathe in Success. Breathe in Confidence.
Breathe in Serenity. Breathe in Courage.
Breathe in Wisdom. Breathe in Grace.

Breathe in Space. Breathe in Flow.
Breathe in Freedom. Breathe in Joy!
Breathe in Blessings. Breathe in Balance.

Breathe in Beauty. Breath in Meaning.
Breathe in Purpose. Breathe in Passion.
Breathe in Planning. Breathe in Action!

Breathe in Awareness. Breathe in Energy.
Breathe in Expression. Breathe in Truth.
Breathe in Choice. Breathe in Change!

When I'm writing, I don't leave a blank line after each trio, though I do often pause for a slug of coffee (at home) or sip of water (riding on the bus). And I still do the alternating color on every other line, just because I like the look. Two other little rituals are saying the Serenity Prayer after the third trio (did you recognize it?), and as I write the final line I always vocalize "The truth is I always have Choices. And I Choose to make positive Changes in my life!"

Wishing us all joy and success on our various journeys! Blessed Be, Amanda

[Just under 3 months after this was written, I finally got a temporary position with King County, where I am working now, and plan to until I retire. I'm making decent wages at last, have a permanent position, and I am once more "seeing" a therapist (virtually) after 8 months of pandemic isolation and burnout.]


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