Letting Go Again

(Originally published 31 October 2020) 

Funny, I’ve been thinking about Halloween—celebrated in Latin America as part of Días de los Muertos, or Days of the Dead. In pagan tradition too, it is a time for honoring those who have passed. I was thinking to acknowledge my father’s passing in a different way, but was startled to realize it’s been more than a year, which I discovered when I reread my blog Balancing Gifts and Demons which I wrote on 9/10/19: https://blessedbeingsblogpage.blogspot.com/2021/08/balancing-gifts-and-demons.html

I misremembered that he passed away in early November last year, because that’s when my sister and I flew down to our ex-stepmom’s to spend a weekend with brother and SIL who came in from Turkey, and to see a number of old family friends who gathered for a party—people I hadn’t seen in decades. It was a lovely visit & I’m glad he brought us together.

In journaling this week, I discovered an old belief I picked up from him is still having a negative impact on me. I’ll delve into that in a separate blog, but it reminded me that sometimes we have to let go more than once. Also, it seemed appropriate to use this time, not to honor or celebrate a life that has ended, but to confront & address the demons that relationship bequeathed.

It is never too late to examine or banish the burdens and negative ideas that we have picked up from others—no matter how long ago. We can always choose new behaviors and thoughts that are more empowering and nurturing. Wishing us all a Happy Halloween and Sacred Samhain, and good mental health!

Blessed Be, Amanda


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