My three things—in my own style!

(Originally published 25 January 2011) 

I read a Spark Friend's list on her blog, and couldn't help wondering how I would answerthough knowing (as usual) that I wouldn't just answer straight out or simply. As is my habit, I'll be revising and tweaking, just like in school when I would propose alternate or modified assignments to make it something that interested me, and generally doing far more than requested, or required. (I so "get" Hermione!) But I will challenge myself to keep to 3 responses per categorywhich for someone who loves to embellish, and revels in details and abundance, this will be a challenge!

Three names I go by:
* BLESSEDBEING (here on Spark People)
* Amanda (the predominant one since I legally changed my name in my thirties from my given one, which was Lois)
* spocksmom (a user name I'm fond of, for reason clear to TOS Trekkers)

Three places I've lived in the past (amongst others):
* Idaho Falls, Idaho
* Oakland, California (the longest)
* Dallas, Texas

Three sports (in my case, physical activities) I have played (participated in):
* Rock climbing (I have a scar from a climbing accident in my teens)
* Bowling (in my 20s, I won a trophy the only time I belonged to a league for most improved player, gaining 21 whole points from 88 to a whopping 109!)
* Speed walking (In my 30s, I won a 2nd place striding ribbon in a 5K run-walk, coming in behind a 20-something aerobics instructor)

Three things I love to watch:
* Water in nature
the ocean , waterfalls, rivers, lakes, brooks (even fountains and swimming pools; yes I know they are not found in naturethat's why I put them in this parenthetical comment!)
* All the Harry Potter movies, over and over, DVD extras included (the 4-disc Ultimate sets are the best!)
* Plays at the marvelous community theater in Lakewood, WA (my sister and I have season tickets, and we like the comedies and musicals best)

Three places I have visited:
* The Great Wall of China (and a People's Liberation Army base on the same trip)
* The Mayan temple at Chichen-Itza (which I had drawn for a 6th grade social studies project)
* The Book of Kells display at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland

Three (groups of) people I love:
* My 6-Pack sisters
* My teachers on the path of enlightenment (those whose books I've read and those I've met)
* My dear Spark Friends who inspire me and cheer me on

Three things I love to eat:
* Anything with lots of garlic, pesto, mushrooms and spinach (if I get them all at once, I'm *really* in heaven!)
* Crab and other shellfish (though not lobster, no big whoop there)
* Rosemary and olive oil Triscuits

Three things I am looking forward to:
* The release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, Part 2!!
* Reading the next Dresden novel following Changes (Butcher has a lot of 'splaining to do!)
* Winning (or at least making significant and conspicuous progress in) my campaign to conquer clutter (and yes, I really do plan to write future blogs on that topic as promised earlier)

There you have some glimpses into my life. If you wish, you may copy and paste this and share some unique things about yourself.

Blessed Be, Amanda


Note: This was one of my first blogs on Spark People 10 years ago when I had just discovered and been inspired by that supportive community. A few changes or additions I would make now:

—Sports/activities: Pickleball which I was introduced to by a nearby Spark Friend (and at 66, I don’t speed walk these days)

—Foods: I would replace those Triscuits with Skinny Pop popcorn (the former being too high in calories and sodium)

—Things I look forward to: Those first 2 happened years ago, so I would replace with

  * Retirement in about 4 years (though I do hope there will be more Jumanji movies—I’ve loved the last two)

  * I have numerous authors & series I am eager to catch release dates on: Patricia Briggs, Anne Bishop (The Others series only), Jim Butcher’s Dresden books, Faith Hunter, Susan Wittig Albert, James Rollins, paranormal trilogies by Nora Roberts, Jasmine Guillory, some children’s lit and YA titles & authors also.

  * And sadly I am still far from accomplishing that third item, so yeah, I’m looking forward to getting there!


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