The Last Book on Decluttering You'll Ever Need

(Originally published 27 February 2021) 

That's the bold subtitle of Tracy McCubbin's 2019 organizing book Making Space, Clutter Free. Big thanks to my sister for finding and sharing it. I just picked it up from the library this morning, and loved what she has to say in the introductory chapter "What's Under the Clutter? A New Approach."

She says she wants to liberate us from the shame and emotional weight of our clutter. "I want your home to be a place that you enjoy being in, that helps you quickly and efficiently get out into the world, and that you can share with others as often as you feel like. If your home isn't all three things
restful, helpful, and shareablethen on some level, your home is taking energy from you instead of supporting you to live your best life."

Wow, if page 5 is that profound, I can't wait to dive in to better understanding the 7 emotional clutter blocks she identifies, and how to address them. She breaks her content into 4 parts. I find the chapter titles in Part Three: Arriving and Thriving extremely inspiring: 7. Strategies and Systems to Organize What's Left, 8. Conscious Consumption: How to Halt the Clutter Creep, 9. Celebrating and Inhabiting Your New Space.

I'm so thankful my library had this available, but I suspect I'm going to want to get my own copy so I can highlight and underline and make notes as I go, and return to get motivated and inspired again as needed.

If you want to check out Tracy's website, here it is:


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