Hypocrisy of the “Pro-Birth” Zealots

First, I refuse to refer to these hypocrites as “Pro-Life.” Contrary to their claims, they care nothing about life—only birth. They don’t care about the quality of life of the pregnant women they want to force to give birth or of the babies they decree must be born.

If they did, these same rightwing extremists would be earmarking funds to support prenatal & postnatal care, community mental health services, public education, child protection, free and mandatory DNA testing to identify the fathers of these unwanted infants they want to legislate into being. Heck, they should be supporting gun control, so every child can attend school, go to the store or a place of worship without risking being gunned down by a mad man with an automatic weapon!

At a time when parents everywhere are scrambling to find formula for their infants who are already here, these anti-abortionists want to flood the population with many more babies who may go hungry. They don’t care if they are condemning those babies to poverty, to neglect or abuse. Why would anyone want to force a baby to grow up in a family that doesn’t want it, possibly with a mother who is not physically, emotionally, or financially capable of supporting or nurturing a child?

These hypocrites claim to be champions for children—but they are not. If they were, they would be doing everything they could to ensure that the children who are already here have a chance to grow up healthy and educated, and that all babies are born into families that will welcome and love them. Shame on all these disgusting hypocrites!


  1. Pro-birthers will never understand what being pro-life is really about. A member of SCOTUS mentioned there aren't enough white babies to be adopted so legislation. So forcing women and children to suffer and potentially die so someone can pick a kid like choosing a puppy is of course the answer. It infuriates me.


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