Punishing the Victims

I am absolutely appalled at the anti-abortion laws being written that refuse to make exceptions in the case of rape or incest. The monsters who write and support such legislation make it clear that they care nothing about the trauma these victims have already endured. In fact they intend to heap on extra burdens, no matter how horribly these poor women and girls may suffer physically and mentally, or how dangerously that would impact their ability to raise or nurture a baby conceived in violence and horror.

It is callous and cruel to mandate that trauma victims carry a fetus sired by their attacker to term. The physical, emotional, and financial toll of an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy should not be forced on anyone, especially when it is a constant reminder of an excruciatingly painful experience. And I have not heard that these heinous laws include funding for pregnant women to receive the prenatal care that might help them deliver “adoptable” babies.

And what of the babies who aren’t adopted? These violated women must now raise their rapist’s offspring? No decent person can possibly think that is appropriate. It is shameful that a fetus is granted greater consideration than the victims of violent crimes and their families—yet that protection ends at birth. No provision is made for the wellbeing of those unwanted children who could well end up neglected, abandoned, or abused.

The total lack of compassion in these laws is mindboggling. Rape and incest survivors deserve to be supported, protected, nurtured, and helped in recovery and healing. They should NOT be burdened and punished by these atrocious and disgraceful laws. 


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