Spiritual weight
(Originally published 8 June 2012)
I'm not proposing a theory here, but noting some
interesting anecdotal samples or possible evidence. I had been hanging out for
weeks around 151 to 152, very close to my goal weight, but just maintaining. I
was preparing for an introductory meeting at work about the Full Plate Diet.
(I'm a new member of our office wellness committee, and had been asked to lead
our first group.)
I was a bit nervous, not sure if we would get enough interest to proceed. I put
quite a bit of time and preparation into it, and the meeting went quite well. A
small group attended, and almost each person signed up to participate in the 8
sessions. I was quite relieved afterward, and the following morning, my weight
dropped down to 150.0 for the first time. Was there a connection?
I remained at 150.0 for the next several days, over the weekend and on Monday.
Then we had a mandatory training that day. The first part was fun and insightful,
but the second part was hard for me. My PTSD was mildly triggered, I withdrew
and sort of struggled for a day and a half before I recovered my equilibrium.
The next morning, my weight jumped up just over a pound. Was there a
I reached out to one of the people responsible for the problematic content and
presentation that next day, proposing we meet so that I could give feedback.
Neither was available when the other was that day or the next. But yesterday,
we finally met and were able to talk. He listened and took notes on what I
said, and shared some of the issues and logistical problems that had led to a
rushed effort that didn't really satisfy anyone. I felt heard, and again
relieved. Then today, I dropped almost a pound again, down to 149.4. Was there
a connection?
I just find it interesting that when I felt heavy emotionally, my weight went
up. When I felt lighter, happy, relieved, my weight went down. I've never been
aware of this dynamic happening quite so obviously before, and am not sure if
it will happen in the future. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I've always been clear on the body-mind connection and the need to link
emotional healing with physical healing. Just imagine if one of the secrets of
losing physical weight is to eliminate heavy thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. I
often wish my Spark Friends joy and success. Maybe I was always on to something
after all!
Blessed Be, Amanda
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